Updated: Fri, 2015-02-06 08:55

What is the objective of this tutorial?
In this tutorial we're going to make a very simple synthesizer using Pure Data and learn its concepts and workflow along the way. The objective is to get you started with the software in a kind of hands-on approach, doing something relatively useful, relatively quick. If you want in-depth stuff, there are some great sites on the internet. See pd-tutorial.com and the Pure Data FLOSS manual.
Updated: Fri, 2016-06-03 08:49

This article is written for all those interested in setting up a Linux home studio and using Ardour to record and mix their music, with the help of numerous free and open source tools and plugins.
I will illustrate my setup and processes based on songs created with my solo band MÆNAD, covering the recording setup, miking, audio interfaces, Linux configuration, tracking different instruments with Ardour, various mixing tricks using pass filters, equalizers, compressors and more, as well as exporting to WAV and FLAC/MP3.