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OpenAV announces new plugins in the ArtyFX plugins range


OpenAV have just annouced 3 new plugins to the ArtyFX plugin range. The new plugins for ArtyFX version 1.2 are as follows -

Bitta - Bit crusher
Vidha - Stereo widener
Panda - Compressor/expander

OpenAV uses a unique release system, where software is announced as being released as open source, usually one year from the announcement. Each donations pulls back this release date one month. To read more about the release system, visit the OpenAV website.

This is the third release of the ArtyFX plugin line. Previous plugins include filters, eq, delay, reverb, saturation, etc. For more information, and to donate to accelerate, check out the project page at OpenAV Productions.

Other projects from OpenAV Productions include Luppp, a looping tool aimed at live performance, Fabla, a drum sampler plugin, and Sorcer, a polyphonic wavetable synth plugin.

Update - 15th September -

OpenAV has reached it's donation goal. ArtyFX version 1.2 is now officially released.