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Axoloti, open hardware unit, reaches crowdfunding goal


Axoloti is an interesting open hardware unit that allows "effects processing, step-sequencing, sample playback, or granular processing". It started its crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo at the end of December. It has already reached it's goal, with 2 weeks left of the campaign.

Axoloti is complimented by editor software, Axoloti Patcher, which works like an analog modular synthesizer. Plug Axoloti into your computer and program it with Axoloti Patcher to make it a dedicated hardware unit of your choice.

Features of the unit include -

  • Stereo audio input and output with 24bit sampling
  • DIN MIDI input and output
  • Micro-sdcard slot for storing patches and samples
  • Micro-USB device port to connect to your computer
  • a 180Mhz ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller with 256kB of SRAM, and 1MB of Flash (STM32F427)
  • USB host plug (in development) to connect USB-MIDI controllers directly (requires USB MIDI class compliance)

For more details about Axoloti, check out the projects website.