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setBfree v0.8 is released!

Version 0.8 of setBfree, the DSP Tonewheel Organ emulator, has just been released. setBfree is designed to "imitate the sound and properties of the electromechanical organs and sound modification devices that brought world-wide fame to the names and products of Laurens Hammond and Don Leslie." setBfree is available as an LV2 plugin. There is also a JACK standalone version available.

There have been over 300 changes since the last release. This includes work done to the GUI, presets for Kurzweil and Korg CX3 and updates to portability (Yes, it will run on a Raspberry Pi!).

The Leslie speaker emulation has also been reworked with the horn now spinning counter-clockwise, as in a real unit. To make the effect usuable for other instruments/sources, the whirl-speaker emulation has now been made available an LV2 plugin/standalone JACK client. Advanced settings such as microphone angle, position, horn radius, etc are now exposed.

You can find binaries for setBfree at the projects Github page.