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Welcome to Libre Music Production - How to get started


Libre Music Production is a community-driven online resource, focused on promoting musical creation and composition using free and open source (FLOSS) software. By providing hands-on material submitted by the community, such as guides, tutorials, articles and news updates, we want to show not only that there is great FLOSS audio software out there, but also how to practically use that software to make music. Read this to get started!

News and latest content

News 2014-10-10 15:56 Our newsletter for October is now sent to our subscribers. If you have not yet subscribed, you can do that from our start page . You can also read the latest issue online . In it you will find: Announcement of our new 'LMP Asks' interview series Our first 'LMP Asks' interview New and improved FLOSS Music section More tutorials New software release announcements and more!Read more
Music 2016-06-03 08:50 Jannis Pohlman is web, mobile, desktop and embedded developer. But he also writes music with his solo band MÆNAD.Read more
Tutorial 2016-06-03 08:49 Jannis Pohlmann: How I produce music with Ardour This article is written for all those interested in setting up a Linux home studio and using Ardour to record and mix their music, with the help of numerous free and open source tools and plugins. I will illustrate my setup and processes based on songs created with my solo band MÆNAD, covering the recording setup, miking, audio interfaces, Linux configuration, tracking different instruments with...Read more
News 2014-10-10 07:35 MOD DUO reaches funding goal on Kickstarter - one week left for stretch goals The MOD DUO , a hardware guitar effects unit running open source software, has just reached it's $65,000 funding goal on Kickstarter . With one week left, there is still time to reach it's stretch goals, the next of which is set at $100,000. These stretch goals will allow the MOD team to produce the MOD Duo with even better features, such as a 24 bit USB 2.0 audio interface, a die-cast aluminum...Read more
News 2014-10-22 20:39 zam-plugins version 3.4, now available Damien Zammit of ZamAudio has recently released version 3.4 of his zam-plugins suite . These plugins come in LADSPA , LV2 , LinuxVST and JACK versions. The suite contains the following plugins - ZamAutoSat ZamComp (mono and stereo) ZamEQ (mono and stereo) ZamGEQ31 ZamTube ZamMultiComp (mono and stereo) Full details can be found at zamaudio.comRead more
Tutorial 2015-05-07 17:04 Ardroid (Android application): How to use it with Ardour In this tutorial, I’ll go through how to use your Android device to control Ardour through your network. Hi! There’s a great Android application called Ardroid, which is intended to allow your Android device to work as a remote control for Ardour. Ardroid does this by sending OSC messages from your Android device, to you computer running Ardour. Ardour then lets your Android device control it...Read more
Tutorial 2016-03-22 08:20 Linuxsampler and Ardour: Using them together Linuxsampler is a capable sampler available for Linux, which will make you able to use the common formats for sampled instruments like SFZ, GIG and SF2. To simplify using Linuxsampler with different DAWs and other hosts, there’s a LV2 plugin that’ll help the host communicate with, and integrate Linuxsampler. There’s also a DSSI plugin for the same purpose I believe, but I have not used that, and...Read more
Tutorial 2015-05-07 17:00 Sidechaining in Ardour 3 Ahh, sidechaining ! The effect us fans of electronic music fear our partners will discover just how much we actually like, and the effect that makes anti-modern electronic musicians shake from hatred. Sidechaining has many different names (ducking is an additional one), but when I speak of sidechaining, I refer to what’s popularly known as “the cool effect that makes everything pump to the beat...Read more
News 2014-10-02 19:54 The Ardour devs have just announced a new bug fix release. This release includes several absolutely vital fixes for bugs could lead to audio and MIDI files being irreversibly deleted from disk. Anyone using earlier versions of Ardour 3.5 are strongly recommended to upgrade. Along with the few major, and minor fixes, there are also a few new additions, notably new MIDNAM file for Korg Volca series...Read more
Tool 2017-02-01 08:08 LinuxSampler LinuxSampler is a professional grade software audio sampler that aims to deliver performance and features at par with hardware sampler devices. LinuxSampler itself does not have a graphical user interface, however, there are frontends that exist for it, eg. Qsampler . There is also an LV2 version available. To find out how to use this, check out Linuxsampler and Ardour: Using them together ...Read more
