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Can't find Ardroid on the play store? Time to check out F-Droid


It was recently brought to our attention that Ardroid, a remote control app for Ardour, no longer appears to be available at Google's play store. All is not lost however. If you haven't heard of F-Droid, maybe it's now time to check it out. F-Droid is an alternative software repository for your Android device that contains FLOSS software.

Ardroid is still available for download from the F-Droid repositories, along with a plethora of other FLOSS projects. While F-Droid is not as extensive as Google's play store, this also means that it cuts out a lot of novelty apps that clutter up the play store.

So, if you want to try out Ardroid, you now know where to find it. And don't forget, you can also check out our tutorial on how to use it with Ardour. Enjoy!