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Libre Music Production Workshop in Barcelona


Andrés Pérez López is planning a workshop in Barcelona promoting free and open source software for making music. It will also feature some material published here on Libre Music Production. The workshop is planned to take place in CC Convent de Sant Agustí from 22nd April to 20th May. The program for the workshop is as follows -

  • Session 0 (preparative): Installing KXStudio
  • Session 1: Free software applied to the audio. Software and hardware basics
  • Session 2: MIDI synthesizers and effects
  • Session 3: Sequencing. Scores
  • Session 4: Recording, editing and mixing
  • Session 5: Formats, licenses, public presentation

If you are interested in attending the workshop you can find full details, including how to sign up, at

If you have any inquiries about the workshop, you can contact Andrés directly - /