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Building SuperCollider 3.7.0 from Source (Debian)

Building SuperCollider 3.7.0 from Source (Debian)

A few months ago we published an introduction to the audio programming language SuperCollider here on LMP.  With the recent announcement that SuperCollider had reached 3.7.0, we Debian Linux users suddenly find ourselves behind-the-times regarding our SuperCollider packages which are likely to be at 3.6.6 for some time.  If you want 3.7.0 now (or any bleeding edge version in the future) you have no choice but to build it from source.

SuperCollider 3.7.0 Released

SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.

SuperCollider 3.7.0, over two years in the making, has finally been released!  Additions and fixes include (from the News in 3.7 help file):

Introduction to SuperCollider

Introduction to SuperCollider

This article is the first of a series of articles on LMP that will explore the SuperCollider programming language.  In addition to learning about the language and how to use the program interface, you will learn how to download SuperCollider and begin experimenting on your own. You will also find links to helpful documents and additional resources throughout the article and in the Links section at the end.

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