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Creating a simple synthesizer in Pure Data – Part II
Part I: A simple synthesizer in Pure Data – Part I The next steps: What we are going to do now is to add an ADSR envelope to our synthesizer and then allow it to play more than one note simultaneously. We also have a lot of new concepts to introduce, including some that are very basic and that, if you tinkered a little with your patch and with pd in general after the first tutorial, you may be...
Creating a simple synthesizer in Pure Data – Part III
Part I: Creating a simple synthesizer in Pure Data - Part I Part II: Creating a simple synthesizer in Pure Data - Part II The steps: We now have two important steps to finish our little project: the first is to add a filter that will finally turn our synthesizer into a subtractive synthesizer and the second is to create a simple user interface to make our patch more intuitive and pleasant to the...
Ingen is a modular synth that runs under JACK . It uses LADSPA and LV2 plugins for its processing. It can be used to create modular synths by using synth plugin modules. Ams-lv2 is a set of LV2 plugin ports of the internal modules found in Alsa Modular Synth . Using these plugins, you can create modular synth configurations within Ingen. So let's look at some of the basic concepts on how to...
Demystifying JACK – A Beginners Guide to Getting Started with JACK
JACK is the de-facto standard audio server for working with professional audio on Linux. JACK, the name of which is a recursive acronym for ‘JACK Audio Connection Kit’, is a very powerful piece of software. Some new users find it confusing at first. While its settings and functionality are extensive, you only need to know the basics to get started and take advantage of its underlying power. By...
In today's tutorial, we'll put the guitar down and talk about Libre Music video Production :) Where is your video? Recently, if you want to publish a song, pretty soon they're going to ask your for "the video". But sometimes you don't have the time / money to do it. Heck, it's a job. The "Lost Week" video took me like a (big. Huge) week to put together, not counting shooting time. BTW it was...
How to use outboard gear in Ardour
There may be times when you are mixing that you want to, or have to, use external effects or processors. To do this in Ardour , we use inserts . So how do these work and how do we set it all up? Let's find out! Why use hardware effects? Using plugins is very convenient so why would you want to use a hardware unit? The two main reasons would be - You can't find a plugin equivalent You want the...
Introduction to SuperCollider
This article is the first of a series of articles on LMP that will explore the SuperCollider programming language. In addition to learning about the language and how to use the program interface, you will learn how to download SuperCollider and begin experimenting on your own. You will also find links to helpful documents and additional resources throughout the article and in the Links section at...
Jannis Pohlmann: How I produce music with Ardour
This article is written for all those interested in setting up a Linux home studio and using Ardour to record and mix their music, with the help of numerous free and open source tools and plugins. I will illustrate my setup and processes based on songs created with my solo band MÆNAD, covering the recording setup, miking, audio interfaces, Linux configuration, tracking different instruments with...
Linuxsampler and Ardour: Using them together
Linuxsampler is a capable sampler available for Linux, which will make you able to use the common formats for sampled instruments like SFZ, GIG and SF2. To simplify using Linuxsampler with different DAWs and other hosts, there’s a LV2 plugin that’ll help the host communicate with, and integrate Linuxsampler. There’s also a DSSI plugin for the same purpose I believe, but I have not used that, and...
Modular set ups, concepts and practices, using Non Session Manager
What is Session Management? Session management is used to solve the problems involved in managing modular set ups . Ultimately, it allows you to reopen multiple programs, their session files and instantly recall all connections between them. The problem with managing modular set ups lies in the fact that each individual program uses its own session. Without session managers, you would have to...
