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Yoshimi 1.2.5 is now out!

Yoshimi 1.2.5 is now out!
Yoshimi 1.2.5 is now available. As noted by developer Will Godfrey, there are “a lot of changes underneath but very little to see".
Most notably Yoshimi supports multiple instances now without having to re-load from file.

Dexed updated, including GUI overhaul

Dexed updated, including GUI overhaul
Dexed version 0.8.0 is now available and it has just received a GUI overhaul. Dexed is a plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. The goal of this synth is to be a tool/companion for the original DX7.

Creating Modular Synths using Ingen and ams-lv2

Ingen is a modular synth that runs under JACK. It uses LADSPA and LV2 plugins for its processing. It can be used to create modular synths by using synth plugin modules.

Carla 2.0 beta3 is here!

Carla 2.0 beta3 is here!
Carla 2.0 beta3 has arrived. There have been quite a few nice features implemented since beta2.
  • Internal patchbay mode
  • Carla as VST plugin (Linux only)
  • Carla LMMS plugin
  • New and updated skins
  • Old non-skin mode
  • New time panel

QjackCtl 0.3.12 released

QjackCtl 0.3.12 released

Qjackctl version 0.3.12 has just been announced. This release includes the following changes -

Pure Data

Pure Data

Pure Data (aka Pd) is an open source visual programming language. Pd enables musicians, visual artists, performers, researchers, and developers to create software graphically, without writing lines of code.

Pd is a so-called data flow programming language, where software called patches are developed graphically. Algorithmic functions are represented by objects, placed on a screen called canvas. Objects are connected together with cords, and data flows from one object to another through this cords.

New Ardour bug fix release available

The Ardour devs have just announced a new bug fix release. This release includes several absolutely vital fixes for bugs could lead to audio and MIDI files being irreversibly deleted from disk. Anyone using earlier versions of Ardour 3.5 are strongly recommended to upgrade.

Along with the few major, and minor fixes, there are also a few new additions, notably new MIDNAM file for Korg Volca series and a new version of Xjadeo, which is used for the video timeline.

Qtractor version 0.6.3 is released

Qtractor version 0.6.3 is released

Rui Nuno Capela has just announced a new release of Qtractor, an audio and MIDI multi-track sequencer. The new version, codenamed The Armed Hadron, has a number of new features, including the usual bug fixes.

Release highlights:

New release of Vee One Suite plugins

New release of Vee One Suite plugins

Rui Nuno Capela has just announced version 0.5.1 of his Vee One Suite of plugins. The plugin suite is available in the LV2 plugin format as well as standalone JACK clients, with NSM support. There are 3 plugins in the suite. They are as follows -

Synthv1 - an old-school polyphonic synthesizer
Samplv1 - an old-school polyphonic sampler
Drumkv1 - an old-school drum-kit sampler


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