Updated: Tue, 2014-08-19 10:31
Modular set ups are where more than one program is used in a set up. JACK allows you to connect and sync various audio programs together so you can benefit from the strengths of individual applications. Session management can be used to manage and recall such complex set ups. A good suite of modular applications is the Non suite, which includes Non timeline, Non mixer and Non sequencer, although any JACK application can be incorporated into a modular set up.
Updated: Tue, 2014-08-19 07:25
Monolithic set ups are where you do all your work in one program. This is the most common approach people using Windows and Mac audio software will be used to. In Linux, JACK allows for very modular set ups, although some applications are fully featured and can also be used as monolithic set ups, eg. Ardour and Qtractor.
Updated: Tue, 2014-08-19 10:13
You can install plugins from your distro's software center or package manager. Search for LADSPA, LV2, DSSI and VST, which are the plugin formats supported on Linux. If you are using a Ubuntu or Debian based distro, you can add the KXStudio repositories, which will pull in more plugins, and more up to date ones, into your software center and/or package manager.