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LMP Asks #16: An interview with Christie Isaac

LMP Asks #16: An interview with Christie Isaac

This month we talked to Christie Isaac, an upcoming electro-acoustic fusion songwriter from Colchester, UK who incorporates Linux into his music every step of the way. His latest EP "Body Rush" was described as "a masterclass in DIY production" by Paper Champion magazine.

Hi Christie. Thank you for taking the time to do the interview. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

LMP Asks #15: An interview with Scott Petersen

LMP Asks #15: An interview with Scott Petersen

This month LMP talked to Scott Petersen, SoundCollider programmer, teacher, composer and maker enthusiast.

Hi Scott! Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Could you tell us a little about who you are?

LMP Asks #14: An interview with Babis Kouvalis

LMP Asks #14: An interview with Babis Kouvalis

This month LMP talked to Babis Kouvalis, guitarist and FLOSS enthusiast. Babis has a YouTube channel where he demos FLOSS software, primarily Guitarix.

Hi Babis and thank you for taking the time to do the interview. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

I live in Athens, Greece with my girlfriend at her house. At the moment I'm unemployed due to the economic crisis, but I have much more time to work with music and live from it.

Arduino: Create your own touch sensitive MIDI-keyboard/-controller

Did you ever wish to play an instrument and interact at the same time with another instrument? As an example: Your audience is listening to your great guitar playing. But you want to give them more than that: With one touch on a piece of fine cutted aluminium foil you can trigger a MIDI control command and add whatever you like to your musical performance: Loops, drums, keyboards...

LMP Asks #13: An interview with Lucas Zawacki

LMP Asks #13: An interview with Lucas Zawacki

This month LMP talked to Lucas Zawacki, guitarist, FLOSS enthusiast and founder of, an online resource that brings together presets, synth patches, sample libraries, and more, all in one place for users to browse, download and/or contribute their own.

Hi Lucas and thank for you for taking the time to do the interview. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

LMP Asks #12: An interview with Sebastian Posch

LMP Asks #12: An interview with Sebastian Posch

This month LMP talked to Sebastian Posch, Linux enthusiast and guitar teacher who likes to incorporate Linux into his teaching sessions.

Hi Sebastian and thank you for taking the time to do the interview. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

LMP Asks #11: An interview with David Robillard, aka drobilla

LMP Asks #11: An interview with David Robillard, aka drobilla

This month LMP talked to David Robillard, long time member of the community and author of several FLOSS-projects related to Linux audio. One of David's projects is LV2, the current standard for Linux audio plugins, and the successor of the old standard LADSPA.

Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

LMP Asks #10: An interview with Tobiasz Karoń, aka Unfa

LMP Asks #10: An interview with Tobiasz Karoń, aka Unfa

This month we talk to Tobiasz Karoń, better known online as Unfa. Tobiasz's passion is electronic music and open source software. He creates music using GNU/Linux based systems and is a massive fan of ZynAddSubFX. His favourite distro is KXStudio and his favourite DAWs are LMMS and Ardour. LMMS for sequencing and synthesizing, Ardour for recording, editing and mastering.

LMP Asks #9: An interview with John Option

LMP Asks #9: An interview with John Option

This month, in our first ever double interview, we talk to Max and Dadda of the Creative Commons band John Option. They are both FLOSS enthusiasts who enjoy making music on Linux and then sharing it with the world.

Max (left) and Dadda (right)

Hi Max and Dadda, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?

Arduino and MIDI in

Arduino and MIDI in

In this second installment of our Arduino tutorial series, we will learn to use the Arduino micro-controller as a tool to control electronics by reading MIDI, in this case turning on the Arduino's built in LED when it receives MIDI note on messages. If you haven't already read our first Arduino tutorial on MIDI out, we suggest you at least give it a quick glance.


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